Daler Rowney : Perfix : Colourless Fixative Spray : 150ml

SKU: T1141
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Daler-Rowney Perfix Colourless Fixative is an excellent quality fixative spray that fixes charcoal and pastels.


Daler-Rowney Perfix Colourless Fixative is an excellent quality fixative spray that fixes charcoal and pastels. It sprays evenly with a minimal effect on tonal values and is easy to use. Lay your drawing flat and holding the can about 30cm away, spray back and forth across the drawing ensuring even coverage over the surface.

It dries quickly to prevent smudging and, once dry, it's completely colourless so you can continue working on top of it.

For a more in-depth look and a comparison with other fixatives, click here.

Contains flammable chemicals or substances that can ignite.


Product CodeT1141
To Use WithPastel, Pencil & Drawing
Size150 ml
VeganNon Vegan
Weight (kg)0.178000
Country of ManufactureUnited Kingdom
Responsible Person / AddressF.I.L.A. S.p.A., Via A.Meucci, 2, Rufina, Florence, 50068, ITALY, dpo@fila.it
Hazardous UN NumberUN1950
Hazardous TypeFlammable, Aerosol
Shipping Restriction (Haz)Yes
