Michael Harding : Oil Paint : Masters Set (Portrait Set II Lead Free) : 6x40ml



298,32 €

Liefer- & Versandinformationen
This set cotnains a range of six colours that provide excellent mixing potential and a great introduction to Michael Harding Oil Paints.
  • Brilliant, vibrant and true colour
  • Exceptional quality, high pigment load
  • Creamy, buttery, easy to handle consistency
  • Made by hand using Old Masters' techniques


This set provides a range of six colours and includes Warm White, a non-toxic, lead-free alternative to Lead White, which is currently banned in the European Union. The set contains Italian Green Umber, Warm White, Alizarin Crimson, Genuine Naples Light, Genuine Chinese Vermilion, and Lapis Lazuli, all in 40ml tubes.

Michael Harding paints are made by hand, using techniques that date back to the days of the Old Masters. Harding will not claim that his paints will turn you into a great painter, but he does promise they will have a profound effect on your work. Your colours will be stronger and richer, and you will find the texture of the paint incomparable.


Product CodeOMH40MS
Empfohlen fürÖl
Größe40 ml
Sets und PackungenSet
Country of ManufactureVereinigtes Königreich
TransparenzRefer to single colours
Lichtechtheit der FarbeRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.510000
