Rembrandt Aquarell: Set: 48 halbe Pan Plus Pinsel in Metallbox

SKU: WR8649


340,34 €

Liefer- & Versandinformationen
This set contains 48 Rembrandt Half Pans and a brush - each colour has a smooth consistency and is intense, lightfast and reliable.
  • Professional quality, range offers a selection of mostly transparent colours
  • Colours are intense and highly pigmented
  • Whole range has the highest degree of lightfastness
  • Colours are triple rolled and made to enhance the natural qualities of each pigment


Dieses Set enthält 48 Pfannen von Rembrandt Aquarelle, darunter jeweils eine der folgenden Farben: 207 Cadmium gelb Zitrone 208 Cadmium gelb Licht 210 Cadmium gelb tief 211 Cadmium Orange 238 Gummigutta 303 Cadmium-Rotlicht 311 vermillion 108 Chinesisch-White 227 gelber Ocker 234 Raw Sienna 242 Aureoline 265 transparent Oxid gelb 306 Cadmium Red Deep 314 Cadmium Red m 318 carmine 336 permanente Madder Lake 339 leichten oxidrot 366 Chinacridon Rose 378 transparent oxidrot 403 Vandyke Brown 408 raw Umber 409 burnt Umber 411 burnt Sienna 416 sepia 426 transparent Oxid braun 503 französisches Ultramarin 506 Ultramarin Deep 508 Preußischblau 511 Kobaltblau 522 Türkis 532 mauve 534 cerulean blau 567 permanent rot-violett 568 permanente Blauviolett 576 Phthalo blau-grün 583 Phthalo blau-rot 585 Indanthren-blau 615 Smaragdgrün 616 viridian 620 Olivgrün 623 Sap Green 645 Hooker Green tief 662 permanent grün 668 Chrome Oxide Green 675 Phthalo grün 701 Elfenbein-schwarz 708 Payne Gray 715 neutralen Farbton


Product CodeWR8649
Empfohlen fürAquarell
Größe1/2 Näpfchen
Sets und PackungenSet
Country of ManufactureNiederlande
Responsible Person / AddressRoyal Talens, P.O. Box 4, Apeldoorn, 7300AA, Netherlands,
TransparenzRefer to single colours
Lichtechtheit der FarbeRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.622000
Hazardous TypeProp 65
