Marabu : Contours & Effects


From $7.00

  • 15 colors available in 25 ml and 5 colors available in 50 ml
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Beautiful outlines and great effects are achieved with water based Marabu-Contours & Effects. As well as outlines, even smaller shapes can be painted with this product (e.g. by stencilling) producing new highlights on the silk. The flamboyant colors tone with the color-shade groups of Marabu-Silk and Marabu-Silk Color silk colors and increase the versatility of silk painting. In combination with Marabu-Velvet Touch velvety effect paint, these completely different effects can also be combined on one piece.

The 25 ml liner is ideal for direct painting, because of the fine tips. For very fine outlines and decorations, Marabu paint tips can be screwed straight onto the liners. Using the extensive programme of accessories from Marabu like Design Stamps, Stencils, Foam Paint Rollers and Stencilling Brushes there is nothing in the way of your creations!

Here’s how it’s done:
Marabu-Contours & Effects can be applied as outliner for further painting with Marabu-Silk, on dry silk painted with Marabu-Silk or on silk dyed with Marabu-Silk Color and on untreated silk fabrics.

Use as outliner in combination with Marabu-Silk:
Marabu-Contours & Effects resists very well on thin and medium types of silk. On heavier qualities (thicker than pongé 14, crêpe satin 12.5, crêpe de chine 16), we recommend drawing the colored outlines as thickly as possible, drawing a thicker outline or applying outliner to both sides of the silk, so as to prevent the silk paint from bleeding through.
Allow the outlines to dry very well before painting in with Marabu-Silk. Do not apply too much paint to the silk. After drying, fix according to the instructions.
After fixing, all colored outliners are wash and dry-clean-resistant. After iron fixing, clear outliner is simply soaked in water and washed out. See also outline technique under Tips & Ideas.

Use as effect paint in combination with
Paint Marabu-Silk on the silk as desired or prime the whole area of the silk fabric. After drying, Marabu-Contours & Effects can be applied in different techniques (see Tips & Ideas). Afterwards allow to dry thoroughly and fix at the same time as Marabu-Silk following the instructions.

Use in combination with Marabu-Silk Color:
First dye the silk fabric with Marabu-Silk Color following the instructions. Then stretch the washed and ironed silk fabric onto a smooth surface and paint with Marabu-Contours & Effects in the desired technique (see Tips & Ideas). Afterwards fix according to the instructions.

Marabu-Contours & Effects is fixed by ironing or in the oven after drying. Your design can even be fixed in one single process when you also use Marabu-Silk and Marabu-Velvet Touch besides Marabu-Contours & Effects.

Set the iron to cotton temperature and iron for 2-3 min. from reverse side (30 x 30 cm per area), through a thin cotton cloth, by constantly moving the iron.
or: The silk is fixed for approx. 8 min. at 150°C in a pre-heated oven. We recommend laying the silk onto baking paper to avoid unwelcome scorches. This fixing method is not suitable for large silks.

Marabu-Contours & Effects is wash- and dry-clean resistant after fixing. Clean brushes and other equipment with water immediately after use. Stir and lightly shake before use.



Product CodeP-MARCE
To Use WithSilk Painting
