Fabriano : Spiral Bound Watercolor Pads : 12 Sheets : Not


From $7.80

Spiral bound pad containing 300gsm cold presssed watercolor paper. 12 sheets of Not (cold pressed).

  • Available in 4 sizes
  • Excellent quality
  • 25% cotton and cellulose pulp
  • Ideal absorbency for repeated brushstrokes
  • Made in Italy


Fabriano Watercolor paper is made of a mixture of lignin-free cotton (25%) and cellulose pulp. The absence of acid guarantees the inalterability over time of the paper. It is sized internally and externally, guaranteeing optimal absorbance. The quality/price ratio of this paper guarantees an exceptional offer for students of fine arts schools and beginners. Ideal for watercolor, tempera, gouache, acrylic, ink, and drawing. The surface is cold pressed.

Produced with 100% of E.C.F. pulp (Elemental Chlorine Free) and F.S.C. certified from forests responsibly managed respectful of environmental, social, and economic standards.


Product CodeP-FABSP
To Use WithWatercolor
Country of ManufactureItaly
Surface : ColourWhite
Surface : TypePaper - Pad
Surface : SurfaceCold Pressed / Not
Binding : CoverPad
Quantity : Sheets12 Sheets
Binding AspectShort
FormatSpiral Pad
Surface TextureMedium / Cold Pressed / Not
