Fome : Table Top Etching Press (3621) : 250mm : Without Felt Mat




  • High quality press made in Italy by Fome
  • Solid steel rollers with adjustable heights
  • Without Felt Mat
  • Excellent for relief printing


Well-engineered portable presses from Italy with solid steel rollers and 3mm thick metal bed.

Raising the top roller is for relief printing only, you will not be able to print anything but thinner intaglio plates on this press, optimally up to 1mm metal with a decent bevel as described in the instruction booklet that comes with the press. These presses work perfectly with thinner 0.8mm plates like our economy zinc or transparent printing plates. The Fome presses are excellent for line etching, drypoint, monoprint, and relief.

It must be stressed that these small presses will not print with the same pressure as a larger heavier studio press and in fact putting too much pressure on the presses can damage them. If you have designed your prints or experimented with your plates, inks, or paper using a large heavy press, you cannot expect the Fome press to reproduce the same results. It is better to adapt your prints to the capability of the press. They work better with less slippery materials, metal, softer drypoint plastic and dampened paper and less packing so that the bottom roller can engage more evenly and effectively with the underside of the press bed.

The manufacturer recommends attaching this press to a table so you can get enough leverage for proper printing function.


Weight: 8.5 Kg 
Length: 25 cm 
Width: 31.5 cm 
Height: 17 cm 
Width of roller: 25.5 cm 
Diam. lower roller: 3.5 cm 
Diam. upper roller: 3.5 cm 
Metal plate: 26.8 x 42 x 0.3 cm
Maximum board or lino thickness: 1.7cm

FOME 3mm Felt Mats available here, which you will need to print your plates successfully.

Read our series of blog posts about setting up and using the Fome School Etching Press.

Other Fome Presses available here.


Product CodeRFPRESS
To Use WithEtching & Intaglio
Colour NameFOME : School Etching Press from FOME Italy (without Felt Mat)
Weight (kg)9.700000
