Holbein : Granulating Watercolour Paint


A range of premium quality watercolors containing two or more pigments that gently granulate, creating beautiful textured effects. 

  • 24 colors available in 5ml and 15ml
  • Professional quality
  • Made with pigment and gum arabic
  • Consistent creamy texture
  • Made in Japan
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Holbein Artists' Granulating Watercolors are made with at least two different pigments that gently granulate and create beautiful textured and color-shift effects. These effects can be controlled by the amount of water that is added as well as the type of painting surface with rough papers accentuating the granulation effects.

A European-style transparent watercolor, Holbein watercolor preserves the brush handling qualities inherent in traditional Japanese watercolor techniques. They are produced without ox-gall, animal by-products or other dispersing agents, which permits greater color density and brush control.

The range has a consistent creamy texture that remains smooth when dry without cracking, crumbling, chipping or molding in the palette. Colors can be rewetted and used like a pan color - simply fill the wells of a suitable palette with the desired color selection, allow it to dry, then wet the color when needed.


Product CodeP-HOLWG
To Use WithWatercolor
Country of ManufactureJapan
TransparencyRefer to single colours
BinderGum Arabic
