Zest It : Cold Wax Painting Medium

  • Available in 80ml, 150ml, 320ml & 840g tubs


Zest-it Cold Wax Painting Medium gives body and substance to materials. It can be mixed with oil paint, pigment, powdered metals, marble and other fine art materials to increase the workability and speed drying time. Zest-it Cold Wax Painting Medium does not contain any CFC's and is classed as biodegradable, meaning it is not harmful to the environment. Unlike encaustic wax, cold wax does not need or require heat to be used. Can be used alongside Zest-It Wax Solvent.

It is available in 80ml, 150ml, 320ml and 840g tubs.


Product CodeP-ZESTWX
To Use WithOil, Cold Wax
Mediums : DryingSlows
