Faber Castell : Pitt Stylo Brosse ' Artists' Coffret Cadeau: Lot de 48 Couleurs Assorties:



200,40 €

Info de Livraison & Expédition


Faber-Castell has brought together all of the advantages of drawing in Indian ink in a modern and uncomplicated disposable pen - the PITT artist pen. The high-quality brush point works both straight and bent without breaking. While the light colours are transparent and, thus, well-suited to varnishing techniques, the dark colours have good covering qualities. PITT artist pens have unsurpassed light-fastness and the individual colours are marked with an asterisk-based code.

Water-resistant and permanent, the pigmented drawing ink has a high light resistance meaning it will not fade quickly. The PITT pens are odour-free, acid-free and pH neutral.


Product CodeGFABSGB48
Pour Utiliser AvecStylos
Pays de fabricationAllemagne
TransparenceRefer to single colours
Solidité de la Couleur à la LumièreRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.078000
