Koh-I-Noor : Toison d'Or : Pastels Tendress : Lot de 24



26,62 €

Info de Livraison & Expédition


Toison D'Or Soft Pastels are made from some of the world's finest pigments. These cylindrical pastels are created with minimal binders and their extra soft texture means that they distribute colour well. The pastels can be blended or mixed with one another easily. Toison D'Or pastels come paper-wrapped and cushioned in a foam insert.

The use of a final fixative is highly recommended.

Contents Include:

24 x Toison D'Or Extra Soft Pastels

1 x Titanium White, 1 x Naples Yellow, 1 x Zinc Yellow, 1 x Persian Pink, 1 x Cadmium Orange, 1 x Light Purple, 1 x Vermilion Red, 1 x Grass Green, 1 x Carmine Red, 1 x Hooker's Green, 1 x Permanent Green, 1 x Emerald Green, 1 x Chromium Oxide Green, 1 x Ice Blue, 1 x Cerulean Blue, 1 x Ultramarine Blue Dark, 1 x Ultramarine Blue, 1 x Pearl 1 x Grey, 1 x Dark Violet, 1 x Light Orange, 1 x Caput Mortuum Light, 1 x English Red, 1 x Burnt Sienna and 1 x Ivory Black


Product CodeTKOS24
Pour Utiliser AvecPastel
Pays de fabricationTchéquie
Responsible Person / AddressKoh-i-noor Hardtmuth a.s., F.A. Gerstnera 21/3, Ceske Budejovice, South Bohemia, 37001, Czech Republic,
Pastel : Taille Du BâtonRégulier
Solidité de la Couleur à la LumièreN/A
Weight (kg)0.298000
