Daler Rowney : Designers' Gouache Paint : Introduction Set



53,69 €

Información de Envío y Expedición


Designers' Gouache is a brilliant, opaque, artist-quality body colour, developed for professional designers working on illustrations for graphic reproduction. It is also widely used in fine art painting, both on its own and with transparent watercolours.

The high-quality pigments and reflective qualities of the fine calcium carbonate specified by Daler-Rowney ensure that Designers' Gouache retains its pure bright colour across all the glowing shades in the range.

Designers' Gouache is characterised by its fine flowing texture, tinting strength and excellent covering power. Apply with confidence, using a brush, ruling pen or airbrush. 12 x 15ml tubes: Permanent White, Spectrum Yellow, Cadmium Red, Mard Red, Brilliant Violet, Coeruleum (Hue), Ultramarine, Viridian, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Van Dyle Brown and Lamp Black.


Product CodeDRDGS12
Para Usar ConGouache
Kits / PacksKit
Country of ManufactureReino Unido
Código de barras5011385136012
Responsible Person / AddressF.I.L.A. S.p.A., Via A.Meucci, 2, Rufina, Florence, 50068, ITALY, dpo@fila.it
TransparenciaRefer to single colours
Resistencia al Color a la LuzRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.379000
