Old Holland : Watercolour Paint


Desde 8,95 €

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Old Holland Classic Watercolours are highly concentrated for maximum colour strength and each colour offers an excellent tonal range.

  • 150+ colours available in 6ml, 18ml, and half pan
  • Excellent quality
  • Made with gum arabic, glycerin, and pure pigments
  • Maximum pigmentation
  • Made in the Netherlands
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Old Holland Classic Watercolours are excellent quality, providing colours which are unique in their colour strength with maximum pigmentation. These paints are rich and beautiful with excellent colour lifting abilities.

It is well-known that Old Holland attaches a handpainted colour strip to its tubes of oil paint and acrylic paint, showing the paint in the tube. A different solution was chosen for the watercolours. The labels of the tubes and cups of watercolour do not show the full tone of the paint, but the undertone (a logical choice following on from the technique of watercolour painting). The colours on the labels are screen printed with the watercolour in this undertone, using a screen printing technique developed specially for Old Holland.

Founded in 1664, Old Holland has more than three centuries of traditional experience in the manufacture of artist paints. Renown across the world, they were used by both Van Gogh and Vermeer.


Product CodeP-OHW
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