Bloques y Placas de Lino

Nuestro linóleo gris ha sido diseñado específicamente para la impresión en relieve y es un linóleo natural biodegradable con respaldo de arpillera. Nuestro linóleo SoftCut es un material de vinilo suave que se corta fácilmente y es perfecto para el aula. También contamos con Speedy-Carve, que es igualmente fácil de cortar y lo suficientemente flexible como para imprimir en superficies curvas.
62 Artículos

Jackson's : Birch Plywood : 9mm : Relief Woodblock

Available in sizes ranging from 104 x 145mm to 600 x 915mm

Desde 1,95 €

Essdee : Lino Block : 3mm : SoftCut

Available in different sizes (Single or Pack of 10)

Desde 0,73 €

Japanese Shina Plywood Woodblock

This popular Japanese plywood is available in 2 thickness and 4 sizes

Desde 1,78 €

Japanese Magnolia : 10mm : Side Grain Wood Block

Solid side grain magnolia wood block from Japan available in 2 sizes

Desde 3,09 €

Japanese Katsura : 13mm : Side Grain Wood Block

This Japanese Katsura is excellent quality and available in 3 sizes

Desde 4,62 €

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Relief Printing: Lino Blocks & Plates

Relief Printing: Lino Blocks & Plates

We stock a choice of natural and synthetic surfaces for lino printing including traditional grey lino that has been specifically designed for relief printing, is hessian backed and bio-degradable. Softcut, Speedycarve and Japanese vinyl are all synthetic options with their own unique properties to suit your budget and your setting.

We also carry a range of woods for woodcut printing, both solid side grain and high quality selected plywoods, and end grain blocks for wood engraving.