Charbonnel : Traditional Etching Inks


À partir de 20,81 €

Info de Livraison & Expédition

A range of oil-based traditional intaglio inks made with lightfast pigments and medium viscosity linseed oils.

  • 54 colours available in 60ml, and 8 colours in 200ml
  • Excellent quality
  • Made with linseed oil and pigments
  • Lightfast
  • Made in France
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Charbonnel Traditional Etching Inks are designed to meet the requirements of the most exacting printmakers. The pigments are not only selected for their excellent lightfastness but also according to their degree of acidity and anti-ageing properties.

Pigments are blended with top quality, medium viscosity linseed oils and then finely milled to give an ink with excellent grip on the image element of your plate. The range consists of 54 colours including two metallics and ten blacks. Choose from 60ml tubes for colours and selected 60ml tubes and 200ml pots for blacks and the Transparent Base.


Product CodeP-RCHTE
Pour Utiliser AvecEtching & Intaglio
Pays de fabricationFrance
TransparenceRefer to single colours
Solidité de la Couleur à la LumièreRefer to single colours
