Da Vinci :Savon pour Pinceaux à Usage Professionnel: 85g : Boite en Métal

SKU : ADT4433


17,68 €

Info de Livraison & Expédition
Da Vinci Professional Brush Soap is an excellent quality soap that both preserves and enhances the quality of your brushes.
  • Gentle formula with conditioners
  • Prolongs brush life
  • Keeps hairs supple and at their best
  • Made with pure vegetable oils


Da Vinci Professional Brush Soap is an excellent quality soap that both preserves and enhances the quality of your brush hairs.

Contained within a metal box, da Vinci Professional Brush Soap is a gentle formula with conditioners that will prolong brush life, as well as keeping hairs supple. It is made with pure vegetable oils and has a pleasant citrus scent.

85g in a metal box.


Product CodeADT4433
Pour Utiliser AvecHuile, Acrylique, Aquarelle, Pinstriping
Poids 85 g
Pays de fabricationAllemagne
Pack : QuantitéUnité
Weight (kg)0.114000
