Gamblin : Solvent-Free Painting Mediums


À partir de 8,16 €

Info de Livraison & Expédition

A range of solvent-free oil painting mediums that do not compromise on performance or quality.

  • Available in 37ml, 125ml, 150ml, and 250ml
  • Professional quality
  • Made with safflower oil / alkyd resin
  • Non-toxic
  • Made in the US


Gamblin offers a wide range of mediums made with an emphasis on studio safety. Gamblin Solvent-free Painting Mediums are completely non-toxic, ensuring a safe and clean working environment for artists

The range supports the broadest range of painting techniques, with minimal compromise across colour, drying time, texture, and mark-making.


Product CodeP-MGBSF
Pour Utiliser AvecHuile
