Jackson's : Oil & Acrylic Comparison Brush Sets


À partir de 7,88 €

Info de Livraison & Expédition

Our Comparison Brush Sets are a convenient way of trying out different brush fibres from the Jackson’s oil and acrylic ranges.

  • Excellent quality
  • Natural/Synthetic
  • Compare the characteristics of Jackson’s oil and acrylic brush fibres
  • Made in Japan/UK


Jackson's Oil and Acrylic Comparison sets allow artists to compare the characteristics of the different Jackson’s brush fibres.

Each long handled brush has its own unique characteristics and will help artists produce a variety of effects.

To find out more about different types of brushes and their characteristics, visit our blog.


Product CodeP-BJSETC
Pour Utiliser AvecHuile, Acrylique, Huile Miscible À L'eau
Lots Et PacksLot
