Khadi : Handmade 100% Rag Watercolour Papers : Stitched Pads : Rough


À partir de 6,64 €

Info de Livraison & Expédition

Artists’ handmade paper from Khadi Papers. These stitched pads contain 150gsm, 100% long fibred cotton rag paper with a rough surface for watercolor and all painting and drawing media.

  • 4 sizes available
  • Excellent quality
  • 100% cotton rag
  • Acid-free and archival
  • Made in India


Khadi Handmade White Rag Paper is handmade from 100% long fibred cotton rag. It is internally sized (with a neutral pH size) and surface tub sized with gelatine.

Khadi stitched pads contain 150gsm rough paper. These books have paperback binding and contain 30 pages - 15 sheets.

In the 1980s, Khadi Papers was the first company to introduce handmade Indian paper to UK artists and designers. Khadi remains comitted to ethical sourcing and environmental sustainability.


Pour Utiliser AvecAquarelle
Support : CouleurBlanc
Papier : Union CouvertureCouverture Souple
Papier: Aspect ReliureCourt
Papier : Type De ReliureCousu
