Studio Essentials : Metal Brush Washers


À partir de 22,06 €

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Studio Essentials metal brush-washers come in various sizes and designs. They all consist of a metal receptacle which can hold either water or solvents, and a metal insert which keeps your brushes out of the sediment which collects at the bottom of the pot. The sediment accumulated from washing brushes sinks through the holes of this insert to the bottom of the washer pot, which helps keep the top layer of solvent cleaner for longer. When you need to clean or replace your solvent, you simply decant the clean liquid into another vessel, then dispose of the sediment, clean the pot and pour the solvent back in.

The lid of the Airtight Brush Cleaners prevents fumes from escaping into your working environment when the washer is not being used, and is secured in place with 3 spring clips.


Product CodeP-METBRWSH
