Jackson's : Watercolour Paint Catalogue : 2020/21




Jackson's Watercolour Catalogue is a guide to the best watercolour paints, papers, brushes, mediums and sundries currently available.
  • Comprehensive 132 page guide
  • Includes sections on Colour, Surfaces, Brushes, and Studio
  • Features a useful glossary and our Art Material Map
  • Printed on recyclable FSC-certified paper


Jackson's Watercolour Paint Catalogue is a comprehensive 132 page guide to watercolour. The catalogue not only presents all the paints, sticks and pencils that make up our extensive watercolour department, but also looks at the state-of-the-art surfaces and brushes that can be used with this medium.

The catalogue features products by leading brands such as Daniel Smith, Schmincke, Winsor & Newton, Sennelier, Turner, Old Holland, da Vinci, Escoda, Saunders, Arches, and many more. It also includes a useful glossary and our Art Material Map.

It is a definitive guide to the best watercolour paints, papers, brushes, mediums and sundries currently available.

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Product CodeCATW20
To Use WithWatercolor
Weight (kg)0.290000
