New Wave : Expressionist Confidant Wood Palettes


From $50.36


New Wave Artist Palettes are revolutionary color-mixing surfaces. Designed with the comfort, quality and functionality in mind, New Wave Artist Palettes are free from the problems of past palettes. The New Wave unique three point design distributes the palette weight between the hand, rear forearm, and torso providing maximum balance and comfort. This significantly reduces stress on muscles and tendons in the hand, wrist, arm and shoulder.

This lightweight transportable shape allows for increased mobility when painting with large canvases or in an expressive style. Being able to hold the color palette in the same light as the canvas for a sustained amount of time, permits the artist to better gauge tones and color when mixing paint. With a New Wave palette, a painter is no longer required to move to reach an awkward or heavy to hold palette resting upon a surface, breaking their concentration, resulting in lost time or mistakes.

New Wave palettes have an universal fit for all body types and come in a variety of designs for all technical methods of painting. They are available for both right handed and left handed artists.


· Hand sanded edges and thumb hole

· Handcrafted

· Durable satin finish resistant to water, and standard artist solvents (turpentine, mineral spirits, etc.) & mediums

· Easily cleaned using a standard solvent

· Crack and chip proof

· Freezer Safe

· Non-yellowing

· Smooth to the touch

· Made with hard white maple: delicate grain lines that will not distract the artist while mixing

Read more on the Jackson's Blog


Product CodeP-NEWWE
Palette TypeKidney, Wooden
