Medios y Aceites- Lascaux

Altera el tiempo de secado, brillo, textura o transparencia de tu color con un medio, sin comprometer su estructura.
14 Artículos

Lascaux : Etching Mediums

Available in 85ml and 500ml in Hard, Soft, Plate-Backing, Stop-Out, and Wash Resists, as well as Black and White Coating

Desde 12,69 €

Lascaux : Tusches

Available in 500ml in Tusche Wash, Spray, Waterproof, Watersoluble, Soft Ground and in a set of 6 x 85ml assorted

Desde 45,13 €

Lascaux : Screen Printing Mediums

Available in 500ml in Screen Filler and Screen Printing Fluid, and in 500ml, 1L, 5L in Screen Printing Paste

Desde 29,90 €

Lascaux : Acrylic Mediums 1, 2 and 3

Available in in 85ml, 250ml, and 1L in Gloss, Satin, and Matt

Desde 12,92 €

25,63 €

63,44 €

26,23 €

26,23 €

64,67 €