Medios y Aceites- Schmincke

Altera el tiempo de secado, brillo, textura o transparencia de tu color con un medio, sin comprometer su estructura.
45 Artículos

Schmincke : Pouring Medium

Available in 250ml, 500ml, and 1000ml

Desde 18,42 €

Schmincke : Watercolour Ox Gall

Available in 60, 200 and 1000ml

Desde 9,63 €

Schmincke : Pouring Medium (Silicone)

For use with silicone oil to produce cell-like effects

Desde 28,07 €

Schmincke : Mussini Oil Medium W

2 mediums available in 35ml, 60ml, 120ml and 200ml

Desde 9,52 €

Schmincke : Mussini Oil Mediums

5 mediums in 35ml, 60ml, 120ml, and 200ml

Desde 9,52 €

Schmincke : AERO Mediums & Sundries

Available in 28ml, 100ml, 125ml, and 250ml

Desde 11,35 €

14,39 €

11,35 €

11,35 €

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