Environmental PackagingEnvironmental Packaging

Environmental Policy

Carbon-neutral Shipping

Whilst we understand that Carbon offsetting is not as ideal as avoiding fossil fuel use in the first place, we do believe that it is a step in the right direction. As a result, we have decided to offset carbon emissions for all Jackson’s deliveries, from April 2020 to present day.

We were audited by 3Degrees who worked out the carbon emissions created by all our deliveries by land, sea and air. Once provided with a carbon emissions figure we were able to offset this with verified projects around the world through Treepoints, providing backdated payments to cover deliveries since April 2020. You can see the carbon offset amounts here.

We have an ongoing commitment to become a carbon neutral company. While we have some way to go, we are making progress. 78% of our energy use is purchased from renewable sources, 17% comes from our own solar panels, and the final 5% is gas, which is also offset.

Our investigations into tackling other aspects of the supply chain are ongoing. We welcome any ideas and suggestions on how we can continue to improve.

Carbon offsettingCarbon offsetting

Rewilding / Tree Planting

As of February 2024, we have planted over 1800 trees with Trees for Life - a conservation charity dedicated to revitalising wild forests in the Scottish Highlands - to offset the environmental cost of producing our catalogues and printed publications. Like many of our customers, the staff at Jackson's are inspired by the beauty of landscape and nature, so this scheme is a good way to support a very worthy cause.

Alongside this, the paper we use for our catalogues is FSC certified, which ensures the forests are managed in such a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of the local people and workers.

Trees For LifeTrees For Life

Images courtesy of Trees for Life, the Scottish Highlands

Sustainable Packaging

We continue to work with suppliers to reduce the use of plastics in our packaging, use eco-friendly alternatives, and where possible make it easier for you to recycle. We’re constantly looking for the best practical and environmentally friendly packaging options available.

100% Recyclable and FSC Approved Boxes

Our boxes are 100% recyclable and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) approved. We also use paper tape to make it easier for you to recycle the boxes and cardboard that you receive from us.

100% Compostable Packaging Peanuts

Our packaging peanuts are 100% compostable. Made from sustainable starch-based raw materials using a low energy manufacturing process, they are natural, non-toxic, and break down quickly in home composting. They’re also completely water-soluble so you can dissolve them in water and pour them down the sink.

100% Compostable Cellophane Bags

We’re committed to using 100% compostable cellophane bags to protect brushes and small items. Our 100% compostable stickers are from total chlorine free face stock (TCF), with water-based adhesives and solvent free polymers. This packaging can go into the compost bin.

Environmental PolicyEnvironmental Policy

We're Currently Using

PackagingMade fromHow to recycle
Invoice Paper100% recyclable paperRecycle with other paper
Eco-label Stickers
(used on cellophane bags and fragile items)
Total chlorine free face stock (TCF),
water-based adhesives and solvent free polymers
Add to industrial compost collection
Brush Card100% recyclable cardRecycle with other paper
Cellophane Bags
(used with brushes and small items)
100% compostable PLA film
from renewable corn & sugar starches
Add to industrial compost collection
Packaging Peanuts100% sustainable starch based raw materialAdd to home compost,
soluble so wash down the sink
Recyclable Cardboard Filler100% recycled cardboard wasteRecycle with other paper
Protective Brown Paper100% recycled paperRecycle with other paper
Corrugated Cardboard
(used for wrapping)
100% recycled contentRecycle with other card
(recycle classification 20)
Layer board/ Flat Pieces of Cardboard100% recyclable cardboardRecycle with other card
or add to home compost
Cardboard Boxes100% recyclable cardboardRecycle with other card
or add to home compost
Plastic Wallets
(used to attach invoices to boxes)
100% recyclable Polypropylene (PP)Recycle with other plastics
Jackson's TapeRecyclable kraft paper
and hot melt adhesive
Recycle with other card and paper
Postal TubesKraft cardboard and plastic top
Waiting for supplier update
Recycle tube with other paper
Waiting for supplier update
Paper Corner Protectors100% recyclable paperRecycle with other card and paper
Padded Paper Envelopes100% recycled paper fibers with 25% post-consumer contentRecycle with mixed paper
Book Wrap Boxes
(multiple flap boxes with self adhesive)
Forest Stewardship Council certified paper mix from responsible and renewable sourcesRecycle with mixed paper
Air Sacs
(inflatable joined cells to protect glass bottles)
100% recycled content, contains 98% air and just 2% filmReusable and recyclable with other plastic
Larger & Medium Container bags
(in parcels and for paper)
100% recyclable polytheneRecycle with other plastics
Small Container bags
(in parcels and for catalogues)
100% recyclable polytheneRecycle with other plastics
Air Bags100% recyclable HDPE filmRecycle with other plastics
(replaced mostly with shredder card)
Plastic Bubble Wrap100% recyclable polytheneRecycle with other plastics


PackagingMade fromWhy
White Padded Envelopes (white on the outside, bubble wrap inside)Forest Stewardship Council certified paper and bubble filmUnable to be recycled
Replaced by a recyclable alternative
Plastic Corner ProtectorsPPC (Polypropylene Copolymer)Unable to be recycled
Eco Clear Tape25mu polypropylene filmReplaced by a recyclable alternative


Our delivery partner DPD won the ‘Transport/Fleet Management Initiative of the Year’ at the edie Sustainability Leaders Awards 2020 and 2021. This award follows their ‘Green Apple Environment Award’ for environmental best practice, and a ‘Fleet Heroes’ award from the Energy Saving Trust.

DPD now operates over 700 electric vehicles throughout England, Scotland and Wales. For more information visit green.dpd.co.uk