Stretcher Bars- Jackson's

High quality stretcher bars ready to assemble into any size. Simply choose two pairs and fit together. All stretcher bars have a bevelled edge, so that the stretched canvas will not show an imprint of the bars. Designed for a seamless fit at the corners.

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241 Items

Jackson's : Museum Wooden Stretcher Bars : For 25mm Deep Bars

2 bar types, available in sizes from 20cm to 200cm

From $4.50

Jackson's : Museum Wooden Stretcher Bars : For 20mm Deep x 65mm Wide Bars

2 bar types, available in sizes from 20cm to 200cm

From $4.10

Jackson's : Museum Wooden Stretcher Bars : For 35mm Deep Bars

2 bar types, available in sizes from 20cm to 200cm

From $2.50

Jackson's : Professional Wooden Stretcher Bars : For 18mm Deep Bars

2 bar types, available in sizes from 12 to 40in

From $2.00

Jackson's : Professional Wooden Stretcher Bars : For 43mm Deep Bars

2 bar types, available in sizes from 30cm to 200cm

From $4.20

Jackson's : Alu Pro : Museum : 35mm : Aluminium Stretcher Bar Pairs

Special Order: our bespoke stretcher bars can take up to 2 working days to make, and please also allow for delivery time to your address.

From $34.00

Jackson's : Museum : Alu-Pro : 25mm : Aluminium Stretcher Bars Pairs

Our bespoke items can take up to 14 days to make, so please also allow for the courier service delivery time to your address.

From $30.70

Jackson's : Museum : Alu-Pro : 45mm : Aluminium Stretcher Bar Pairs

45mm deep, lengths available from 40cm to 200cm
Our bespoke items can take up to 14 days to make, so please also allow for the courier service delivery time to your address.

From $35.50

Jackson's : Museum : Alu-Pro : 18x45mm : Primary Crossbar

Special Order: our bespoke stretcher bars can take up to 5 working days to make, and please also allow for delivery time to your address.
Our bespoke items can take up to 14 days to make, so please also allow for the courier service delivery time to your address.

From $9.60

Jackson's : Museum : Alu-Pro : 18x45mm : Secondary Crossbar Sets

Available from 120cm to 200cm
Our bespoke items can take up to 14 days to make, so please also allow for the courier service delivery time to your address.

From $22.70