
Mediums allow you to alter the consistency, texture, and finish of paint, and give you more control over how paint handles.

More on Mediums
A wide range of mediums that will alter the sheen, texture, consistency, and transparency of paint.A wide range of mediums that will alter the sheen, texture, consistency, and transparency of paint.

A wide range of mediums that will alter the sheen, texture, consistency, and transparency of paint.

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Gel mediums extend and thicken colours, increase transparency, add texture and slow down drying times.Gel mediums extend and thicken colours, increase transparency, add texture and slow down drying times.

Gel mediums extend and thicken colours, increase transparency, add texture and slow down drying times.

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A range of pastes which alter the texture and viscosity of paints and are popular for impasto techniques.A range of pastes which alter the texture and viscosity of paints and are popular for impasto techniques.

A range of pastes which alter the texture and viscosity of paints and are popular for impasto techniques.

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An assortment of gum-based resins and mediums used for specialist techniques and ingredients for binders.An assortment of gum-based resins and mediums used for specialist techniques and ingredients for binders.

An assortment of gum-based resins and mediums used for specialist techniques and ingredients for binders.

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Solvents are used to thin oil-based paints and clean brushes, and come in low odour alternatives.Solvents are used to thin oil-based paints and clean brushes, and come in low odour alternatives.

Solvents are used to thin oil-based paints and clean brushes, and come in low odour alternatives.

Shop Solvents

A selection of powder-based mediums for specialist techniques and altering the texture of paint.A selection of powder-based mediums for specialist techniques and altering the texture of paint.

A selection of powder-based mediums for specialist techniques and altering the texture of paint.

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