Baohong : Professional : Pure Cotton Watercolour Paper Block : 300gsm : 20 Sheets


Desde 18,55 €

Información de Envío y Expedición
  • Available from 15 x 21cm to 31 x 41cm
Type SKU Size  Precio 


Baohong Professional Watercolour Paper is internally and externally sized, for a painting surface that is both receptive to delicate watercolour and lifting techniques, and resistant to pilling. Colours appear crisp and are easy to control on the surface. 

Baohong produce professional and student quality watercolour paper. Made in China, the paper undergoes sophisticated testing and rivals traditional European watercolour papers.

Available in Medium and Rough, each block contains 20 sheets of 100% cotton 300gsm Baohong Professional Pure Cotton Watercolour Paper.


Product CodeP-PBPA
Para Usar ConAcuarelas
Pack : CantidadUnidad
Soporte : TipoPapel - Block
Surface : GSM Range300 - 399 gsm
Surface : gsm300 gsm
Papel : Hojas20 Hojas
Tipo De EncuadernaciónBloc
