Golden : Qor : Watercolour Paint Ali Cavanaugh Portrait set : 5ml : Set of 6



46,49 €

Información de Envío y Expedición
  • Portrait set specially selected by artist Ali Cavanaugh
  • High quality range of watercolours
  • Exclusive binder Aquazol provides greater density of colour than conventional watercolour
  • Vivid depth of colour with every brushstroke

  Suministro previsto para el:07 Mar 2025



Golden QoR Watercolours are a high quality range of watercolours that are available in individual tubes and sets. QoR's exclusive binder Aquazol, provides a greater density of colour than conventional watercolour, offering vivid depth of colour with every brushstroke.

This Golden QoR Watercolour Portrait Set of 6 has been chosen by the artist Ali Cavanaugh. Cavanaugh’s portraits capture more than the delicate features of people, but also the tender, unseen things that transcend understanding. The layering techniques demonstrated in her work breathe life into her subjects and create a deep and luminous aura that captivates viewers. These six colours create the ideal palette for achieving effects that distinguish Ali’s work from traditional watercolour portraiture.

This set contains the following 5ml colours:

  • Nickel Azo Yellow
  • Pyrrole Orange
  • Perylene Crimson
  • Sap Green
  • Ultramarine Turquoise
  • Payne's Gray


Product CodeWQSET00055
Para Usar ConAcuarelas
Volumen : ml5 ml
Kits / PacksKit
Pack : CantidadPack de 6
Country of ManufactureEstados Unidos
Código de barras738797989580
Responsible Person / AddressRoyal Talens, P.O. Box 4, Apeldoorn, 7300AA, Netherlands,
TransparenciaRefer to single colours
Resistencia al Color a la LuzRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.203000
