Golden : Qor : Watercolour Paint Introductory Tube Set : 5ml : Set of 24



145,55 €

116,44 €

Información de Envío y Expedición
  • Set of 24 high quality watercolours
  • Brilliant, vibrant, and intense
  • Unique high-performance formulation
  • Special Aquazol binder gives a greater density of colour
  • Vivid depth of colour with every brushstroke


Golden QoR Watercolours are a high quality range of watercolours that are available in individual tubes and sets. QoR's exclusive binder Aquazol, provides a greater density of colour than conventional watercolour, offering vivid depth of colour with every brushstroke.

This Golden QoR Watercolour Introductory Set of 24 contains a balanced selection of vibrant colours ideal for a broad range of colour mixes and is a great introduction to this high quality range.

This set comes in a compact metal tin with palette and contains the following 5ml tube colours: Cadmium Yellow Primrose, Nickel Azo Yellow, Quinacridone Gold, Diarylide Yellow, Transparent Pyrrole Orange, Cadmium Red Medium, Permanent Scarlet, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Quinacridone Magenta, Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue Chromium, Phthalo Blue, Cobalt Teal, Viridian Green, Sap Green, Green Gold, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, Van Dyke Brown, Payne's Gray, Neutral Tint, and Titanium White.


Product CodeWQSET0020
Para Usar ConAcuarelas
Volumen : ml5 ml
Kits / PacksKit
Country of ManufactureEstados Unidos
Código de barras738797009592
Responsible Person / AddressRoyal Talens, P.O. Box 4, Apeldoorn, 7300AA, Netherlands,
TransparenciaRefer to single colours
Resistencia al Color a la LuzRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.458000
