Jackson's : Artist Pigment


Desde 2,81 €

Información de Envío y Expedición

A comprehensive range of artist quality dry pigments consisting of 100 colours, from modern synthetics to natural earths.

  • 100 colours available
  • Artist quality
  • Modern synthetic and natural dry pigment
  • Tested to ensure excellent performance qualities
  • Made in Poland
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Jackson’s Artist Pigments have been selected to produce permanent and characterful colours - perfect for artists who make their own paints.

The range consists of 100 dry pigments, from modern synthetics to natural earths. Each pigment has a different set of characteristics, such as tinting strength, opacity/transparency, and granulation. Every pigment requires a different volume of binder to bring it to the desired consistency.

Read 'Making Handmade Watercolours with Jackson's Pigments' on the Jackson's Art Blog.

Read 'Jackson’s Artist Pigments: Colour Information And History' on the Jackson's Art Blog.

Please note: Do not breathe dust. Use in a well-ventilated space wearing a dust mask. Do not use while eating, drinking, or smoking. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children and pets.


Product CodeP-PPJ
Para Usar ConÓleo, Acuarelas, Gouache, Pasteles, General
