Lascaux : Sirius : Fluid Watercolour Paint 85ml


Desde 14,28 €

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Luminous, pure, and intense primary colours from the Lascaux Sirius Primary System. Ideal for learning colour theory, as well as fine art, screen printing, and decorative applications.

  • Available in 5 primary colours and Black and White
  • Professional quality
  • Made with acrylic resin and pigments
  • For mixing a huge range of harmonious hues
  • Made in Switzerland
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The Lascaux Sirius Primary System is based on five primaries instead of the usual three. These are: magenta, red, yellow, cyan and ultramarine plus black and white. The full range of colours can be mixed with ease and precision. Mixed in equal parts, the five primaries produce a neutral and vibrant black. Warm and cool tones can be defined logically since on either side a red and a blue can be differentiated.The Sirius Primary System can be used in professions where the perceptual and sensual quality of colour is essential: Fine Art and Design, Architectural and Interior Design, Colour Theory, Art Education Classes and Art Therapy. The specific advantages are: The System is easily used in practice, making it ideal for introductory courses, in schools and academies. A balanced colour wheel can be intermixed, creating the entire spectrum with only a few hues. When adjusting the lightness and darkness of a hue, the colour's intensity and consistency remain intact. Within the system, a wide range of subtle, vibrant and neutral greys can be mixed.


Product CodeP-LASSFW
Para Usar ConAcuarelas, Tinta
Volumen : ml85 ml
Pack : CantidadUnidad
Resistencia al Color a la LuzExcellent
