Liquitex : Freestyle Synthetic Brushes


Desde 9,23 €

Información de Envío y Expedición
  • Handle Length: Long
Type SKU Size Shape Series  Precio 


Liquitex Freestyle Brushes are the perfect tools for virtually any artistic application. Designed by artists for artists, these brushes have unique ergonomic handles and strong synthetic bristles that make them both comfortable and durable.

These artist brushes come in both Large Scale and Traditional to meet your needs, whatever your work demands. Whether you’re looking for professional grade results on more delicate works or are working on a particularly large mural or canvas, our range of artist brushes will have one to suit.


Product CodeP-LIQFR
Para Usar ConAcrílicos
Pincel : MangoLargo
Brush : General Hair TypeSintético
Brush : Specific Hair TypeSintético
Pincel : DurezaMuy Duro
Pincel : TécnicaGeneral
