Old Holland : Classic Oil Paint


Desde 11,50 €

Información de Envío y Expedición

Renowned for their exceptional quality, these oils are densely pigmented for excellent colour strength and the best possible lightfastness.

  • 150+ colours available
  • Professional quality
  • Made with extra virgin linseed oil and pure pigments
  • High colour strength
  • Made in the Netherlands
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Founded in 1664 during the Dutch Golden Age of Painting, Old Holland has more than three centuries of experience making artist oil paints. They are a popular choice for artists wanting densely pigmented oil colours with the highest possible lightfastness.

Old Holland's range of over 150 colours each has the highest degree of lightfastness. Traditional, non-lightfast pigments were replaced with modern lightfast pigments with the same colour characteristics as the traditional ones. Thanks to the highest possible concentration of pigment in each colour, the paint has an unprecedented colour strength.

Within the unique range there is a wide range of opaque and transparent colours, each with the highest possible brilliance (intense) and clarity (clean) characteristics. The only medium used for these oil paints is cold-pressed extra virgin linseed oil, used to obtain optimum oxidisation (drying) of the paint. This increases durability and brushstroke spread. Together, these characteristics result in an oil paint of unequalled quality.


Product CodeP-OHCO
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