Korn's : Lithographic Pencil Core : Grade 1 (Soft)



9,25 €

Liefer- & Versandinformationen
Lithographic drawing pencil core for use with a pencil holder. Length 175mm, diameter 5mm. Grade1 Soft.


Korn's pencils are a greasy, waxy drawing medium for lithography stones and plates. They are the same Korn's crayons but in cylinder form to enable sharpening.

The softest pencil, No.1, will lay down more grease which will in turn hold the most ink on the litho stone or plate. The hardest, Copal, is the least greasy and can be sharpened to a fine point to give the lightest of pencil type marks of huge precision. Korn's pencils can be used for image making either alone or in conjunction with rubbing ink and tusche.

Korn's no longer wrap their pencils in the peel back paper casing so we recommend using a clutch pencil holder instead. We can recommend a couple that are suitable, the Jackson's Clutch pencil leadholder 5.6mm GJ24412MP and the Koh-I-Noor Mechanical Clutch Leadholder 5.6mm GKAC5347BK. Both these options come with a pencil lead included which will need removing before you can insert the Korn's litho pencil core.


Product CodeRACKPC1
Empfohlen fürGrafik, Lithographie
Country of ManufactureVereinigte Staaten
Lichtechtheit der FarbeN/A
FarbnameGrade 1
Weight (kg)0.015000
