Belle Arti

Belle Arti, gegründet 1979 von Riccardo Elio Pieraccini, kombiniert meisterhafte Handwerkskunst mit moderner Technologie. Die Marke ist auf gespannte Leinwände spezialisiert und bietet durchgehend zuverlässige Produkte. Von der Auswahl der Materialien bis zur Endkontrolle gewährleistet Belle Arti stets höchste Qualität – ideal für professionelle Künstler, die nichts dem Zufall überlassen wollen.
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Belle Arti: Traditional and Sustainable Art Supports

Founded in 1979 by Riccardo Elio Pieraccini, Belle Arti is a leading producer of professional art supports, including stretched canvases, boards, and panels.

Combining centuries-old craftsmanship with the latest technological advancements, Belle Arti products are known for their durability, precision, and reliability. Their commitment to quality is demonstrated by their meticulous control over the entire production cycle, from sourcing raw materials to the final crafting of the canvas.

A hallmark of Belle Arti's philosophy is its dedication to sustainability. In 2004, Belle Arti became the only PEFC-certified company in Italy within the painting support industry, reflecting their commitment to sustainable forest management. This certification ensures that the wood used in their canvases is sourced responsibly from low-risk regions, promoting both environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Belle Arti’s focus on sustainable practices does not compromise their devotion to quality. Their canvases are crafted from carefully selected materials, ensuring that every product meets the high requirements of artists. Belle Arti only uses red fir wood, which is dried for a long time at the right degree of humidity to grant optimal stability to the finished product.

With a blend of tradition, innovation, and a sustainable vision, Belle Arti is a distinguished name in the world of art supplies. With a mission to honour traditional craftsmanship while embracing modern technologies, Belle Arti continues to provide artists with the surfaces they need to bring their creative ambitions to life.