Sláma Press : Small 75mm Diameter : 50 x 6mm Balls



219,59 €

Liefer- & Versandinformationen
  • Slama Press Ball Graphic Press designed for hand printing.
  • Made from stainless steel
  • Weight: 550g
  • Bespoke wooden stand


Slama Press Ball Graphic Press is a beautifully crafted hand printing press designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic. It was developed by Milos Slama whilst searching for a solution to the printing of his reduction linocuts in various sizes as well as something that was portable and affordable. Slama Press opens up the possibility of working across a wide variety of print formats and paper types.

Based on the ball bearing baren, a modern interpretation of a traditional Japanese tool but with added weight, it makes light work of burnishing a relief print. The freely rotating ball bearings create multiple pressure points evenly across the disc and the disc itself rotates around a central axis as you move across the paper. In addition, the 10mm ball bearings on the large Slama Press allow prints to be taken on heavier paper weights. The presses can take relief prints, drypoints, etchings and lithographs.

This is the small Slama Press with 6mm ball bearings and a rotating disc that is easy to handle. It is highly effective at burnishing prints on smoother lighter weight papers.


Slama Press requires a tiny space to store so is suitable for the home studio. It comes with a lovely wooden stand to store safely.


Maintenance: Unscrew the lower bolt and take out the ball cage. Remove any impurities from the inside of the body of the press. After cleaning, screw the cage back on. The balls can be gently lubricated with oil by running the press on slightly oiled paper.




Diameter: 75mm 

Ball bearings: 50 x 6mm 

Weight: 550g 

Material: Stainless steel



Product CodeSPS506
Empfohlen fürGrafik
Responsible Person / AddressMiloš Sláma, Polnička 189, Žďár nad Sázavou, 59102, Czech Republic,
Weight (kg)0.759000
