Derwent : Graphitint XL Block : Tin of 6




  • Set of chunky Graphitint blocks in 6 muted colours
  • Smooth texture for expansive coverage
  • Watersoluble, can be used wet or dry
  • Use whole, break into pieces, or grate into powder
  • Highly versatile, smooth laydown


The Derwent Graphitint XL Block Tin of 6 contains chunky blocks that combine graphite and vibrant pigments in a unique watersoluble formulation of rich yet muted shades. Draw, paint, cut or grate for broad coverage, bold marks, agile lines, and powdery textures.

Derwent Graphitint XL Blocks are highly versatile watersoluble blocks that can be used for broad coverage and expressive mark making. Break into pieces or grate into a powder for detail and dry textures. Use wet for painting techniques such as splattering and translucent washes.

Each chunky block contains a high volume of formula, equivalent to 8 pencils. They have been ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in the hand for large-scale drawings, and the edges and corners can be used to add fine detail and linework. XL blocks have an approximate measurement of 60 x 20 x 20mm each.

This set comes in a smart compact tin and contains the following Graphitint colours: Olive Green, Dark Prussian, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Port, and Aubergine.


Product CodeGDGBXLS6
To Use WithPencil & Drawing
Sets & PacksSet
Country of ManufactureUnited Kingdom
Quantity : PackPack of 6
Colour LightfastRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.346000
