Kiwo : Pregan NT9 (Ecoline) : 1 litre : Screen Printing Degreaser





Suitable for all types of screen meshes, Kiwo's Pregan NT9 (Ecoline) Screen Printing Degreaser is a highly efficient cleaning and degreasing agent conceived for artists and printmakers looking for environmentally sound screenprinting products.

Made with renewable raw materials, the Kiwo's Pregan NT9 (Ecoline) Screen Printing Degreaser is ready to use and prevents the appearance of pinholes and surface deterioration when coating with direct emulsions. Thanks to its viscous consistency, this screen printing degreaser allows for an economical application and optimum distribution. It is pH-neutral, free from phosphates and chlorides and is easily biodegradable.

An ideal product for artists and printmakers looking for non-toxic and safer alternatives to traditional printmaking methods.

Available as 1 Litre or 5 Litres.


Product CodeRSCNT91000
To Use WithScreen Printing
Size1000 ml
VeganNon Vegan
Weight (kg)1.055000
Quantity : PackSingle
Country of ManufactureGermany
