Plein Air Painting
Paint and colour sets are great for trying in a new medium. Our portable sets are also excellent for painting en plein air.
Browse our selection of pochade boxes and storage solutions for transporting and storing a variety of materials and tools.
Essential items used by artists for plein air painting, including artist's umbrellas, viewfinders, and water pots.
Our range of drawing sets are excellent for artists producing quick sketches or detailed studies en plein air.
What is Plein Air Painting?
Plein air painting - a French term meaning “in the open air” - is the act of painting outdoors, recording the natural light and atmosphere of a landscape directly onto the canvas in paint. This approach allows artists to depict the true colour and lighting of a scene.
Painting 'en plein air' provides artists with the opportunity to connect with the outdoors and paint landscapes in real-time, capturing the nuances of natural light and changing weather conditions. This technique was embraced by Impressionist artists like Monet and Renoir, who sought to portray the ephemeral effects of light on the landscape.
To get started with plein air painting, it helps to have a portable paint set, or a watercolour tin or palette box, as well as brushes - travel brushes are particularly easy to take on a plein air painting session. Stretched canvases are lightweight and great for painting on the move with a field easel while panels and boards conveniently slide into a pochade box. Sketchbooks are also useful for capturing quick sketches and planning your composition when plein air painting.
Additional items like storage boxes and sundries can help keep you organised and comfortable during your painting experience. For those wanting to invest in the very best plein air painting equipment, U.Go Plein Air and Richeson offer excellent ranges. For inspiration and tips, refer to specialist books and magazines.