A. Gallo : Handmade Watercolour Paint : Signature Set : Metal Tin : 36 Half Pans with brush in a linen bag





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This set of 36 handmade half pans contains a vibrant palette of brilliant single pigments and new exclusive secondary colour blends from the Signature Collection.

  • Handcrafted in Assisi, Italy
  • Containing 36 colours that are clean and bright, granulating and deep
  • Colours inspired by historical pigments
  • Luminous paint that activates beautifully when wet


The Signature 36 Watercolour Set from A. Gallo is a vibrant palette of brilliant single pigments and new exclusive secondary colour blends from the Signature Collection. The set includes six brand new colours: Ultramarine Turquoise (PB29, PG7), Pyrrole Orange (PO73), Chinese White (PW4), Neutral Tint (PBk7, PR122, PB15:3), Phthalo Blue, RS (PB15:1), and Titanium Yellow Hue (PY3, PW4, PY43).

Highlights of the collection include: YInMn Blue, an exclusive new bright blue pigment that achieves pure colour tones that were previously inaccessible on the colour wheel. This mixed oxide pigment is made from the very expensive rare earth Yitrium (Y), the extremely rare semi-metal Indium (In), and Manganese (Mn). Transparent Red Oxide (PR101) is a warm rusty orange/sienna colour perfect for adding layers and light to earth tones. Mix this moderately granulating red oxide with Ultramarine Blue for dramatic sky washes or modify Sap Green in landscapes to achieve rich moody greens.

The Signature Set of 36 handmade watercolours in a metal tin includes two mixing surfaces and a colour chart printed on Arches watercolour paper. Each half pan is wrapped in watercolour paper with a hand painted sample brushed over it. The set includes a Tintoretto size 0 traditional mop brush and is beautifully packaged with original marbled paper by the Florentine artisan workshop Giulio Giannini e Figlio.

Made by hand in Assisi, A. Gallo watercolours are crafted according to a traditional recipe of raw pigment, gum arabic, local honey, rosemary essential oil, and a wetting agent. This artisanal process creates a very pigmented and luminous paint that activates beautifully when wet.

Colours included are: Chinese White (PW4), Titanium Yellow Hue (PY3, PW4, PY43), Lemon Yellow, Permanent (PY184), Azo Yellow (PY151, PY43), Arancione (PY83, PV19, PR101), Hokkaido Orange (PY216), Pyrrole Orange (PO73), Medici Red (PR168), Ruby Red (PR264), Alizarin Crimson Hue (PR177, PR144, PV19), Quinacridone Magenta (PR122), Pietra Rosa (PR233, PV19, PV16), Notturno (PB29, PR101, PV19), Quinacridone Violet (PV55), Tyrian Purple (PV15, PV16), Cerulean Hue (PB15:3, PW4, PB29), Azzurro (PB29, PB15:3), Phthalo Blue (RS) (PB15:1), Periwinkle (PB15:1, PB29, PW6, PR122), YlnMn Blue (PB86), Indanthrone Blue (PB60), Harbor Blue (PB15:3, PBr8), Aquamarine (PB15:4, PG7, PB29), Ultramarine Turquoise (PB29, PG7), Fig Green (PY151, PG17), Phthalo Green Light (PY184, PG36), Spring Green (PG7, PY184, PB29), Deep Sea Green (PG18, PB29), Forest Green (PG7, PBk7, PY43), Dark Forest (PG7, PBk7, PY43), Olive Green Deep (PY154, PY110, PB29), Quinacridone Gold (PY150, PR101, PV19), Transparent Red Oxide (PR101), Chromite Brown (FeCr2O4, PBr8), Sepia (PBk9, PBk7), and Neutral Tint (PBk7, PR122, PB15:3).


Product CodeWGHSS36
To Use WithWatercolour
VeganNon Vegan
Sets & PacksSet
Quantity : PackPack of 36
Country of ManufactureItaly
Responsible Person / AddressA.Gallo Colors, Via Sandro Pertini 1, Corciano, Perugia, 6073, Italy, info@agallocolors.com
BinderGum Arabic, Honey
TransparencyRefer to single colours
Colour LightfastRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.507000
Hazardous TypeProp 65
