Jackson's : Artist Watercolour Paint : Half Pan : Set of 48





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  • Metal tin set of 48 half pan artist quality watercolours
  • Great introduction to the Jackson's watercolour range
  • Rich, luminous, intense and a pleasure to use
  • Colours mix, lift, and blend with ease
  • Includes paintable colour reference card printed on Fabriano watercolour paper


Jackson's Artist Watercolours compete with the finest professional watercolours available today. They are made from premium Sudanese Kordofan gum arabic, honey, purified water, and artist quality pigments. These ingredients are blended together and slowly ground into a fine paste until the pigment particles are dispersed evenly. This allows for a flawlessly uniform wash and superb paint handling.

The Jackson’s Artist Watercolour Paint Set of 48 comes in an elegant metal tin and contains a comprehensive selection of 48 artists’ half pan watercolours. The set also includes a watercolour card printed on Fabriano watercolour paper detailing the pigment index, opacity, and series number of each colour included. It can be handpainted to record the colours for future reference.

This set includes the following colours: Titanium White 475, Lemon Yellow 103, Cadmium Yellow Light 111, Aureolin 107, Indian Yellow Hue 121, Naples Yellow Hue 129, Quinacridone Gold 474, Cadmium Yellow Deep 135, Cadmium Yellow Orange 141, Red Orange 145, French Vermilion 156, Bright Red 166, Jackson's Red (Pyrrole) 182, Quinacridone Red 196, Carmine 187, Opera Rose 472, Alizarin Crimson 194, Rose Madder Lake 197, Quinacridone Purple 199, Permanent Magenta 204, Cobalt Violet Deep Hue 218, Dioxazine Purple 226, French Ultramarine 253, Ultramarine Light 249, Ultramarine Deep 257, Cobalt Blue 245, Prussian Blue 261, Cerulean Blue Red Shade 265, Cerulean Blue 264, Cobalt Turquoise 267, Indigo 273, Phthalocyanine Blue 269, Phthalocyanine Green Deep 277, Viridian 280, Hooker's Green 282, Permanent Sap Green 293, Olive Green 298, Yellow Ochre 315, Raw Sienna 348, Burnt Sienna 362, Venetian Red 382, Raw Umber 356, Burnt Umber 394, Warm Sepia 417, Van Dyke Brown 402, Payne's Grey 424, Neutral Tint 433, and Ivory Black 445.


Product CodeWJS48H
To Use WithWatercolour
VeganNon Vegan
Sets & PacksSet
Quantity : PackPack of 48
Country of ManufactureUnited Kingdom
Responsible Person / AddressJackson’s Art Polska sp. z o.o, Rewerenda 17A, Chwaszczyno, 80-209, Poland, help@jacksonsart.com
TransparencyRefer to single colours
Colour LightfastRefer to single colours
Weight (kg)0.007770
Hazardous TypeProp 65
