Jackson's : Pencil Blending Medium


From £4.10

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A medium to aid the blending of coloured pencils and a variety of drawing media. Leaves no residue, only a small amount is needed.

  • Available in 60ml, 100ml, and 250ml
  • Excellent quality
  • Superb blending qualities
  • Made in the UK


Jackson’s Pencil Blending Medium is a medium used to aid the blending of coloured and wax pencils and other dry media such as crayons, oil pastels, and graphite.

Only a small amount of medium is required to smoothly blend and lay down colours and it will not leave a residue. It can be applied with a brush, paper stump, or tortillon.


Product CodeP-MJPBM
To Use WithPencil & Drawing
Country of ManufactureUnited Kingdom
Mediums : ViscosityFluid
