
Mono Printing is a quick and simple printmaking technique where each print is unique. Discover various methods of mono printing from using a printing press to hand printing, and learn how to create intricate and expressive prints using different inks and surfaces.

Monotype Printmaking for Beginners: What You Need to Get Started is great for those starting with mono printing. We also have a variety of resources on Jackson’s Art Blog that provide inspiration and practical tips for creating monotype prints.

A variety of materials can be used for mono printing. From high quality printing inks and brayers to gel plates and beautiful papers, our curated selection provides all the tools you need to create one-of-a-kind prints.

150 Items

Cranfield : Caligo : Safe Wash Relief Ink

18 colours available in 75ml and 19 colours available in 250g and 500g

From £8.80

Akua : Printmaking Plates

3 sizes available

From £11.70

Grafix : Wet Media Dura-Lar : 0.004 in Thick : 12 Sheets

Available in 9 x 12in, 11 x 14in and 14 x 17in

From £23.00

Essdee : Lino Rollers : 70 Shore

Available in 2in, 4in and 6in

From £7.00

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