Da Vinci : Cosmotop Mix B Brushes : 438 / 5530 / 5830


From £6.60

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A unique blend of sable, squirrel, and synthetic hairs gives these watercolour brushes a range of qualities including superb pointing and edging, as well as excellent absorption capacity.

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  • Series 422 / 1222 / 5522 / 5527 / 5822
  • Excellent quality
  • Sable, squirrel, and synthetic hair
  • Tapered points
  • Made in Germany
Type SKU Size Shape Series  Price 


A brush unique to da Vinci, the CosmoTop Mix B is a combination of Kolinsky red sable, Russian blue squirrel, and Russian fitch (black sable), along with small amounts of synthetic hair.

These brushed feature the benefits of natural hairs for watercolour including the pointing and edging of sable, the water holding capacity and wash strokes of squirrel, and the stiffness and durability of fitch.

Series Info:
Series 438 - Pointed Mop - Excellent for precise, controlled brushstrokes and detail, as well as flowing washes
Series 5530 - Pointed Round - Large reservoir belly for flowing applications of colour
Series 5820 - Flat - The thick belly feeds a sharp painting edge, laying down even washes


To Use WithWatercolour, Gouache, Ink
VeganNon Vegan
Handle LengthShort
Hair TypeNatural/Synthetic Mix
Hair StiffnessVery Soft
